31 MAY 2015 by ideonexus

 Hero of "Brave New World"

The hero of Brave New World is John, a young man who grew up on an Indian reservation in New Mexico. The reservation is inhabited by primitive peoples and maintained by the benevolent world government as a tourist attraction. It exists so that the civilized tourists can observe from a distance the nasty and brutish lives of people who have the misfortune to be unprotected by the cushions and comforts of technology. On the reservation, traditional religions and traditional customs are tolerate...
  1  notes
21 MAY 2011 by ideonexus

 Looking to Animal Instincts for What's Needed for Women i...

Now, back to the family cat or dog in labor. By quietly, even sneakily, approaching we observe additional factors involved. 1. The need for darkness and solitude. Bright lights are indeed disturbing. My attempts to take photographs of dogs and cats have been foiled by the indignant laboring mothers retreating to dark secluded place usually physically out of reach of annoying human beings—such as far under the house or barn. 2. The need for quiet becomes obvious. Any loud or unexpected noi...
Folksonomies: pregnancy childbirth
Folksonomies: pregnancy childbirth
  2  notes

Quiet, solitude, and an environment conducive to concentration and relaxation.